
The following is part of an interview with Dr. Sutherland as presented by the New England College of Optometry’s Office of Alumni Relations.

“Optometry is evolving with technology and scope of practice. One pushes the other. Demographics will fuel the changes.”

Where are you currently living and practicing?

Dr. Sutherland: My wife Ann and I reside in Andover, MA and enjoy a home with a revolving door which allows our three grown children to come and go.  Now, they mostly “go.”

I have been in practice with Nashua Eye Associates, Nashua, NH, since 1988.  I specialize in pediatric eye care, and ironically, I also treat many of my Massachusetts neighbors for glaucoma.  Additionally, I see patients at the Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center, serve as a NBEO Examiner, and teach at MCPHS as a clinical instructor.

Why were you drawn to a career in optometry?

Dr. Sutherland: When I was in 6th grade, my great uncle (Louis Van Otis) let me look into my father’s eyes with his ophthalmoscope. It felt like walking into Fenway Park… AMAZING.  This was followed up with my first pair of myopic eyeglasses.  We have all heard the story about trees having leaves…

Can you share some memorable moments and your most valued experiences as a NECO student?  

Dr. Sutherland: One of my biggest regrets is NOT listening on “Career Day” about not having windows in our profession.  I’ve learned over time that everything about Optometry is amazing.

Why is staying involved with NECO important to you?

Dr. Sutherland:  Naturally, we are a good looking, helpful and a giving brotherhood! In 2001, I was asked to serve as Alumni Association Board President. With a fun and dedicated alumni group, we accomplished a lot for the greater good.

What are your interests/hobbies?

Dr. Sutherland: I am presently serving as Conservation Commissioner in Andover, MA.  I am also an active member of NECO’s Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Do you have any words of wisdom to share with future and recent NECO graduates?

Dr. Sutherland: I have a few things to share:

  1. Always remember, it is NOT a job to show up for each morning, but a career to prepare for the night before.
  2. Admit what you don’t know, treat all patients like family, learn from your referrals, and you will sleep much better.
  3. Stay involved with the profession because too much is done by too few.

Dr. Sutherland has been an eye doctor, performing eye exams and entertaining patients, at Nashua Eye Associates for more than 25 years.  Call 882-9800 for an eye exam appointment.